Soul Forgotten Playlist

Have you ever imagined the perfect soundtrack to the book you’re reading? You know exactly which song should be playing during each scene, or you’ve collected songs that remind you of the book itself?

Now let me ask this: has your book ever given you that playlist without any effort on your part?

What if I told you that there were THREE, yes THREE, books that had the perfect playlist EMBEDDED in the book? All you have to do is plug in your headphones and follow the story through each song.

Well, I have the first one for you - the perfect soundtrack to my contemporary fantasy romance book. This is the playlist for Soul Forgotten - the soundtrack to book one of the Blue Star young adult fantasy Series. It has upbeat songs, slow songs, love songs, and is the perfect encapsulation of Nate and Clara as they make their way through the plot.

I think the song that captures Clara the best is 'She’s Out Of Her Mind’ by blink-182. I mean, she is one-hundred percent out of her mind. She has an evil voice talking in her head.

At the time of writing this book, lovelytheband hadn’t released their debut album (I sort of made up that the whole thing would work, and luckily it did). Now, I’m not one to brag, but I totally listened to them before they were cool. Yeah, broken? Everyone’s favorite song by them? That was my jam when it was still just a lonely single. Alright, the reason I found them is because the lead singer was part of Oh Honey, another band featured later in the book.

Of course, I have to give a shoutout to my favorite band Mating Ritual. They had several songs that I listened to while writing but they didn’t quite fit into this book’s playlist… Not to fear! They are strongly featured in the last two books with some pretty epic shoutouts (if I do say so myself).

I’ll wrap up the bragging with my all time favorite artist/singer/creator Andrew Belle and the ABSOLUTE PERFECTION that is his album Dive Deep. This man has literally given me every possible emotion so, in turn, he gave Clara all those same emotions.

Which is your favorite song from the playlist? Was there a band mentioned you had never heard of? Let me know in the comments!

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Creating the Warrior Series


Writing Tools: Scrivener