NaNoWriMo: Week 1 Update

Hey guys! This month I’m going to be doing some general updates on my NaNoWriMo progress. You’ll see how I’m progressing, get some insider looks at what I’ve written each week, and see some of the stuff that goes into creating a book!

NaNoWriMo: Week 1

Projects: Star Supernova (Blue Star Series, Star Trilogy #2), Prequel to The Curse of Broken Shadows

Word Count: 25,582 / 50,000 (updated count on the NaNo website)

Details: So, the word count is definitely way ahead of schedule (typical 5 day count, if writing on par to finish at the end of the month, is 8,335 words). However, I don’t foresee a spike this high again. I’m a bit of a NaNoWriMo rebel this year (working on two projects that were already started before the month). I had some of Star Supernova already written (25K words to be exact) so this week was spent polishing those chapters and preparing my outline for what comes after. I’m also adding words to the prequel of The Curse of Broken Shadows (official title to be announced soon) so there are a few bouts of new words being written. Those new words often fall short of the daily 1,667 required, but it does take energy and effort to rewrite and edit what I have written for SS. Come next week, everything I add will be new words so that will be spread across projects. I’ve learned I work best (at least, this week) with doing my edits for SS in the morning and saving the prequel and new words for the afternoon.

Music: I’m on a shuffle kick. Literally all my top rated songs, which is bringing up some goodies. I also have found a lot of songs that I’ve removed from my top rated… what was I thinking? lol, but I do this every time I write in the Blue Star series because those books have playlists that go with them. If I hear a song that I know will fit the plot, I add it to a chunk list to sort through later when I’m making the playlists. When I’m writing my TCOBS prequel, it’s definitely the second Assassin’s Creed game album.

When I’m not writing: I’m currently reading Defy the Night by Brigid Kemmerer. I have zero expectations for this book. I’ve read her Cursebreakers series and I was slowly disappointed with each installment so I’m going into this with no hopes.

Distractions: Oh, Stormy (one of my cats) has been exceptionally clingy this month. Her favorite sleeping spot is curled between my chest and keyboard, held between my arms. It’s really cute… it also gets in the way while I’m typing. I’ve also got a wedding party to plan for December 4th (which I foolishly put off, because why not make my November crazy?) so that’s taken a lot of my mindspace.

Excerpt (from prequel):

As she stepped out of the tent she’d been staying in, Emril shoved a flask into her hands.

“Drink up,” he cheered, tapping his own flask against hers. Judging by the way he tilted it back, his was at least half empty.

Brela chuckled and took a healthy swig, relishing the different kind of burn in her throat. “Always pack the essentials.”

His cheeks already rosy, she didn’t mind this time when he threw an arm over her shoulder and continued walking with her. “You packed the food. What else was I supposed to fit in my satchel?”

“Oh, I don’t know… healing stones, medicine, more weapons…”

“Who needs any of those things when the two of us are together?”

Excerpt (from Star Supernova):

He finally broke his stare, stretching his arms before crossing them over his chest again. “Really, Kiya, we can keep doing this all night if you want. I’ve gone toe to toe with your mother multiple times. Hell, your dad and I have even challenged each other, though there’s usually a lot less shouting involved. Mads finds it quite entertaining.”

This bastard wasn’t acting casual. He was amused.

My eyes narrowed. “Stop that.”

“Stop what?”

“Acting like you know my family as if they’re your best friends.”

“They are.”

“Then where were you? Where were you when your best friends needed you? When I needed you?” I snapped.

Meme of the week (there is cursing, so be careful where you’re listening):

That’s all I have for this week - time to get back to writing! My goal is to have Star Supernova finished by the new year so I’ve got some work cut out for me. Hopefully the prequel will happen shortly after that and be in your hands soon!


NaNoWriMo: Week 2 Update


Excerpt: The Curse of Broken Shadows