October Update

Happy Halloween 8th, because the month of October doesn’t really exist when it’s just Halloween prep. Funny enough, I am not a Halloween person. Sure, candy exists and I’m totally on board with mounds of chocolate, but the real treat comes November 1 when all those treats are on sale. That’s how you beat the system.

October is typically prep-tober for me because November is National Novel Writing Month. However, for the first time in three years since starting NaNoWriMo, I’m considering not doing it. The month worked really well for me to have an excuse to write and ignore all social obligations, but this year feels a little different. Will I still be writing? Yes! Will I be so focused on 1,667 words a day or trying to break that 50K mark in 9 days (my current record)? Definitely not. We will see how it turns out. I’m not writing it off (lol), but I’m also going to take it a little less seriously this year.

On the bright side, The Curse of Broken Shadows (TCOBS) is finally here! So far, I’ve got a 4.92 star rating on Goodreads and a 5.0 star rating on Amazon! I really think you guys will love this book so be sure to check it out.

Join me on Patreon for unedited chapters, bonus artwork, and future audiobook podcasts! You can read chapters before they are released as books and interact directly with me.

September Recap:

Remember when I said I was going back to the Blue Star Series? Yeah, that took a bit of a backburner. With the success of TCOBS, I realized my priorities needed to shift a little bit. So, I ended up balancing a little bit of Blue Star outlining and maneuvering with a bonus treat for TCOBS. That came in the form of a bonus scene, editing to make the final book look pretty, and… a prequel! I won’t be sharing that title with you yet, but the prequel to TCOBS will be a collection of short stories. It will also not be required to understand the story or any future books. It’s just a fun project for you to enjoy! You can read a few of those stories early if you join on Patreon. No release date planned just yet, but I have a feeling it will be available early next year.

New Music:

Salt - Elliot Root
I Was / I Am - Noah Kahan (new album)
The Deep End - VHS Collection

New Reads:

I ended up DNFing Aurora’s Angel. Sad, because I really hate dropping books. The story had potential but the writing was really hard to follow. It’s even more upsetting that I feel like I’ve not yet found a good LGBT+ book that is both well-represented and written well.

I’ve chugged through the Air Awakens series by Elise Kova. You can see some of those reviews on Goodreads. The story is entertaining enough, but once again, the writing leaves a lot to be desired.

And, as usual, I always download and read my own books on release day because the best way to find typos and errors is to publish something and look at a random page two weeks later to find something glaringly obvious… of course. So far, it’s been fairly smooth so fingers crossed.

October Updates:

Group Promotions (some may start later in the month):


I’m currently working on the fourth story for the prequel to TCOBS. So far, I’ve written some of Brela’s training as a young assassin, her escape from Valisea, more interaction with Ovir, meeting Farrah, and some of the Crystal Desert! That story is going to be the biggest bulk in the collection, and I still have a few more stories to write (including meeting Elias). You can read ahead by joining me on Patreon!

Staying updated:

Every Friday, you can find a new blog post here on my website. You can also catch up on all my old posts here.

Discord is my new hangout space! I would love to get some more interaction there - which is why I’m opening it up to everyone. We can chat all things books, cats, and random memes.

I’m really active on Instagram! I post my book reviews and also some behind the scenes details for my books during the week.

As always, my newsletter is the best place to get all of these updates and never miss a link or book release. I send out an email on Fridays with the best details and some fun stories!


Character Interview: The Curse of Broken Shadows


The Curse of Broken Shadows - Drinking Game