Bonus Soul Series Details!

Here’s your fun page of great Blue Star series stuff!


Deleted Chapter

Here’s a chapter that was deleted from the book. It’s written from Ellie’s perspective and details her discovery of Finnley’s powers!

Soul Remembered (Blue Star Series, #2)

The journey continues! What comes next for our anything-but-normal couple?

Shadow & Supernova


This is a retelling of my debut novel - Soul Forgotten.

This was my first novel written, and after publishing over ten more books, including the next two books in this trilogy, I decided to go back and write something unique. Between switching perspectives from Clara to Nate, I thought it would be fun to share what happens from the opposite perspective - the other narrator - which is how this story originated. So Clara's scenes can be retold from Nate's perspective and vice versa. It will include bonus scenes that didn't exist in the first novel as well as retellings of old favorites.

Things might not align perfectly with the published novel (conversations changed, dialogue tweaked, and descriptions improved), but the story remains the same.

Since SF is available on Kindle Unlimited, I am limited to how much of the ‘original’ work I can share - hence the conversations not aligning perfectly word-for-word. Still, I have included the first few chapters of the original version to help set the scene.

If you're enjoying this story, please consider checking out Soul Forgotten on Amazon.

Now, let's get into Shadow and Supernova (a play on the original title I had for the series which was The Shadow and The Storm). Join my tribe to get more updates.